Peyton Galli

Picture perfect

August 9, 2024


Whether the assignment is writing smart advertisement copy, crafting inviting social media posts, or taking sleek product photos, senior Peyton Galli is game. The visual and media arts practice major brought her team-player mindset to a packed summer internship with the extreme sports media company Teton Gravity Research.

The Jackson Hole, Wyoming-based company, TGR for short, didn’t have a marketing and social media content internship opening. But Galli, who is minoring in entrepreneurship, convinced their hiring manager to bring her on.

“I’ve been following them forever on Instagram and other social media platforms and always loved what they’ve done,” she said, earlier in the summer. The California native divided her time between the company’s Jackson Hole office and working remotely from home in the beach town of Encinitas.

TGR started in the mid-1990s by making films showcasing action sports athletes. Today, the brand produces a wide content range, has partnerships with pro athletes, spotlights environmental issues, and sells merchandise for sports such as skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, and surfing.

“A project I’m working on is doing all the paid ads for our new collection with the Grateful Dead,” Galli said. She worked closely with the company’s strategy manager on captions and social media content.

“In my journalism class at school, you have to use certain language, but it’s a little bit more laid back at TGR,” Galli said. “I’m able to have fun with it and reach a more youthful audience.”

Galli’s work included designing emails for TGR’s community and editing product images using professional software. She is drawing from her photography coursework with art professor Brittany Nelson to shoot the company’s new board shorts in California and produce paid ads. Nelson helped Galli secure the opportunity with TGR.

“It’s just the perfect situation because I’m learning about everything,” Galli said.

Sports connected her with UR. As a high school sophomore, she felt welcomed by the University’s Division 1 soccer players and played on the tight-knit team for two years. Last fall, she decided to step out of her comfort zone and study abroad in Madrid.

“I met some people that will be in my life forever,” she said about her transformative semester in the Spanish capital. “And I also got to have a taste of independence.”

Back in the States, Galli gained a deeper appreciation for filmmaking in the extreme wilderness through TGR. “It’s crazy to see how much it actually takes to be able to film in these places,” she said. “I’m not trained yet — and maybe one day I will be — but it’s so cool to hear and see the background footage.”

An avid snowboarder since childhood, Galli said she’s planning to hit the slopes in Wyoming with several new coworkers over the winter. Being around athletes also inspired her to train for a marathon. “I’ve definitely gotten more into running as I’ve been there and will continue to up my level,” she added.

Post-graduation, Galli would like to join the sports marketing world professionally. She already has a significant head start.

Her summer experiences led to an internship as a PR game-day assistant with the Washington Commanders NFL team starting in late August. Galli said she anticipates supporting the PR team by providing hands-on assistance throughout the 2024 season.

“Being just a few hours’ drive from UR, the opportunity to attend and assist in the press box at home games for a growing team like the Commanders is surreal,” she reflected. “I am thrilled to be a part of it.”